The Hot Shot Answer

Podcast Host: Travis Norris

Ep. 61 It takes Dedication

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Are you ready to create captivating offers with easy to build lead generation websites? I have that. I use that. I use it for both my companies. Super easy as shaking somebody's hand; it is no joke, it is what I use for both my companies. You are able to create this as you go, uh, you can do this on your phone; you don't have to be sitting in an office, you can make this funnel in five minutes using your iPhone or even using Android it doesn’t have to– so it’s compatible for both. It’s a website building machine with massive muscle. It is so, so easy even a carpenter's mindset can handle this, right. Man I understand I’m not– you know, I’m not the most tech-savvy guy out there, I can make this happen because this is what I use to blow up my construction business to keep it going, it’s what I use for everything else I’m doing as well, it’s what I do for other customers. More than just a website builder, man it links in with CRMs, custom domains, security, unlimited pages, it links in with Zoho, Zapier, Mailchimp, Aweber, like, this thing is– I’m telling you guys this stuff is–Hubspot, it is extremely easy to use. And, I can help you just as easy as anybody else. Go to that is our link, it will set you up, if you need any additional help on this, I’m telling you don’t hesitate to reach out to us, [email protected] . It’s what I use for my construction company, it’s what I use for my digital marketing company, it’s what I use for other clients as well to get them smoking hot leads to where they can grow at very affordable cost every month, it’s– man I’m telling y’all, it is a no brainer to do this. [Music fades out] This is what I use constantly.

[Intro music plays]

Welcome to The Hot Shot Answer. I'm your host Travis Norris, also known as The Hot Shot Fellow. It is my passion to bring you the answers that we all desperately need, that we seek out, and we don’t know quite where to go to to get a true answer or to change our mindset. A lot of times our mindset points us in the wrong direction of where we ultimately want to go. Here at The Hot Shot Answer, I will bring you those unbiased answers that we all desperately need. I don’t care if you’re young, if you’re married, if you’re an entrepreneur, I don’t care what position you are in life, we all need to change our mindset, we all can step up and be a better version of what we are today. My hope is that one day we can lead you to be a better version of yourself. Thank you for tuning in, let’s begin today’s discussion.

[Intro Music fades out]

What is up my peoples. So, I’m gonna do this real quick, I got a lot going on. Those of you that don’t know, we are days away from opening up my restaurant, my first one in San Antonio; there’s going to be many more coming. It’s called Fish Tales Seafood Restaurant. Like I said, we’re here in San Antonio, there’s more in the north Houston area so if you have not checked us out, please do so.

So, I want to talk about dedication and dedication to your goals is what winning looks like and what winners do. What I’m referring to is, things go wrong, right? Injuries happen, thefts happen, cars break, everything can go wrong; if it can go wrong, Murphy's law, if anything can go wrong, it’s going to go wrong. In this journey of starting up this restaurant, in the middle of it we had a baby three weeks early, I sold one of the biggest jobs I’ve ever sold in my career in the construction company, and I’m doing things in the construction company that I thought would never ever happen; wasn’t even a forethought of us getting to that level and us doing that. And in the same time my tools got stolen again, my restaurant got broken into, my employees tools got stolen, my trailer got stolen, within the week of Christmas. This week I’m scheduling for the fire marshal, he comes and does his thing, the day off, [phone dings] on his way, sorry guys my phones going to get blown up doing this live now. The day of, the fire marshal is on his way and I find a ga–and I find a gas leak from behind one of the fryers. So I’m back there trying to scrape–just trying to get it done and me getting down low, getting behind appliances trying to get things fixed before this inspection comes. Next day, I have–fire–I have uh, health department coming. Or I’m sorry, two days later I had the health department coming. The night before, we’re in here working and Owen and I are in the front of the restaurant and we’re talking, and in the middle of us talking we hear a CHHHHHHH it blows off. And we’re looking in the back and we have a water line shooting across the back of the house; we have a blown waterline. SO we’re cramping and scraping trying to get this going, trying to get it fixed, trying to get going and ended up working late, late hours trying to get everything accomplished. We finally get it accomplished, next thing I know, my ice maker goes out, next thing I know then that starts leaking, then I turn right around and my–my vending machine; my Pepsi machine goes out. So, it’s been one thing after another and the harder things came at me, the more things came at me, the harder it seemed to get, it’s like okay force of average, I got you. I see you coming to me. This force of average trying to keep me bottled up and keep me average than everybody else. I see you coming; I see what you’re swinging. I got a joke for you, I’ve been waiting for it. So it came to me, we knocked it out of the park. Inspectors came–come in, he said man this is great, I remember this restaurant before y’all even got it I am–remarcable of what I see compared to what we saw before. That’s a huge win and then I turn right around, he’s like man, he goes, whatever contractor you used for this, use them again for the next one. I’m like, you know what, I’m gonna do that and he goes why is that? And I said those are my–that's my construction company that did it. My construction company did all this work, they did all–they did everything in here, cleaned it up, we’re doing everything from cleaning all the way up to building. Not only did we do that, but I’m also obviously heading up, you know, this part of the restaurant business. He said, man that’s impressive, you tho–I’d love to see what you end up doing. Knocking that force of average out of the way because of the dedication to growth, because of the dedication to what our goals are is what winning looks like. That’s what it is. Oftentimes, we get so overwhelmed with the busted pipe, or the busted line, or a cracked seal, or we get caught up with a–a car battery not working right, we get caught up with the so minor things. I got one for you, wife and I, obviously we’ve got Alex, we got a newborn, we remember having wipes, now I know this is stupid, but we remember having baby wipes that we could pull right out and not have to tear off and not have to have two hands. Now, we can’t find those [laughs] wipes anywhere and it’s very frustrating when you got a screaming baby that’s hungry, and it’s wet, and you got poop everywhere, and you got pee, you know, you got a rocket about to shoot off and pee everywhere, and you're trying to get a wipe out so you, you know, you don’t get covered in crap. We get worked up over the little things! Because in the grand scheme of things, you're still going to open; In the grand scheme of things, you’re still going to keep moving on. For most of us, there’s going to be a tomorrow, a good majority of us there’s going to be a tomorrow. There’s always going to be another opportunity to succeed; there’s going to be another opportunity to fix what was wrong, or fix what was broken to get to the point where you’re on the winning side. It ultimately comes down to your dedication to your goals. If you are not dedicated to your goals, you’re not going to do it. You’re not going to do it because we all make these plans, you know, [in a mocking tone] first of the year we’re all going to start going to the gym, first of the year, I’m gonna do this. Well here it is in February, where are you at on that? What was the ultimate culprit of you not being where you said you were going to be, come first of the year? It’s dedication, right? It’s not “well the bank didn’t get me a loan.” Find another way. It’s not “well the car deal didn’t go through.” Find another car. “Oh the house mortgage didn’t–the house refinance didn’t go through.” Find another one. Keep going. It ultimately falls down to your dedication. I didn’t get that pay raise, well, learn a few things. Fix the reasons that you didn't get the pay raise or go find another job because I promise you, everybody’s hiring; I know I am. But it all boils down to your dedication. Are you dedicated to your craft? Are you dedicated to what you’re after? Are you dedicated to your goals? Are you dedicated to what life that you are wanting? Are you dedicated to that legacy that we strive to build? I know I’m dedicated to mine, I can only pray and hope that you guys are dedicated to yours. As we continue to progress, you’re going to see, you know, Fish Tales grow. Overnight we went from four followers on our facebook to over a hundred overnight. As soon as I got involved with it, I didn’t build it, but as soon as I got involved it skyrocketed and it’s not because of me, it’s because of my network it’s because of my people and it’s people I’m associated with. Be dedicated to your goals and your plans will ultimately come to fruition. So, I hope this helps, I really do. If you’ve not tuned into and seen everything going on with FIsh Tales, definitely do that. We’re going to be around, we’re going to be around a long time. We’re not gonna let little things stop us from going forward; I’m not gonna let the little things that’s going to stop me from fulfilling my destiny, fulfill my legacy and leaving what I want to leave back behind because my ultimate goal, you guys heard my talk about this before, my ultimate goal is not about the money, it has nothing to do about money, my ultimate goal is to give a job to somebody that needs a job; find somebody that needs a new way of life, or thinks that they're not entitled to a new way of life, that they’re not worth that kind of life and bring them in, and show them love, show them compassion and show them that there are those of us out there that have your back. Those of us out there that want to see you succeed, want to see you have a bank account, want to see you have a car, want to see you have your own place, want to see you have a career. That’s what I’m trying to leave. That’s what I’m about, because it’s not about my companies, it’s not about the money I got in the bank account, It’s not about all that, it’s not about all that. It ultimately matters in the lives that you touch and change. That’s what the purpose of this podcast is. Thank y’all for y’alls support, I gotta get off here, I’m getting [laughs] gettin blow up. The edited version is going to come out here soon, Tori is busy right now so plans didn’t work out the way we wanted, but we will get it out to you all as soon as possible. I’m sure she’s going to, uh, take this and use this for today, but nonetheless, those of you that listen to the podcast on other stations, other avenues, thank y’all, your support is greatly appreciated. Love y’all, I will talk to y’all next time.

[Outro music plays]

I want to thank y’all for listening to my little spill here, and I want to thank y'all as well for the continued support. You can also find us on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora and we’re on everything.We do have it’s own facebook page; The Hot Shot Answer on Facebook, and we also are on Instagram. But, Dm us, tag us, and be sure to get this message out so we can continue to change peoples lives. Thank y’all and talk to you next week.

[Outro music fades out]

[Advertisement music plays]

So as a business owner, I’m always trying to find a way to cut that bottom line, of what I have to make every month, every week, as cheap and as expected as possible. So, the program I have been using for many many years is simple simple simple guys. I use, I will give you a link to use, you can log in, and you can use my hyperlink to get set up. I’m telling you guys, this is affordable. If you are a one man wrecking show and you’re just doing your own thing, it’s great because it’s free. It doesn’t cost you anything, it allows you to process credit cards and it’s all secure. When you level up and you get to that next level, and you start having employees, and you start building a team, you start becoming that CEO, which we all want to be, you can have it in here where you can build your team, they can either clock in on site, so if you have a flower shop, or you have a restaurant, or whatever the case is, man they can log in right there, they’re in, it tracks their hours, it tracks their tips, it does all that. If you’re like me and you have guys all over the country, and they’re all fully 100% remote, they have an app that they can download. They’re able to clock in, clock out, you know when they go on break, you know when they go on lunch because it’s all tracked that way. So when you come in to do your payroll, man, you input their time cards and you hit payroll, pay my team, that stuff comes right out of your account and you’re good to go. They even do one up for you, if you have W-2 employees, they will pay those and file all the legal paperwork with the government that you have to do, and you don’t have to do anything, it’s awesome. Let them set that up, let square head that up for you, now, that does come with a fee that’s charged every month, it even does direct deposit into your employees accounts. My installers, my construction guys, they get paid every week direct deposited into their account, small fee for that as well, but man I’m telling you right now, doing what I do in the construction field, it is a life changer. I don’t have to worry about uncle Sam coming after me, I don’t have to worry about filing those bills and those– ah man dude if y’all have employees y’all know what I’m talking about. Even 1099; if you have a 1099 employee, you have a sub, you’re paying somebody that way, you can do it same way through that [Square] You set them up through 1099 you can pay them via Cashapp, through direct deposit, they get their money however they want to get it, nothing changes on your role. It is the way to go, I’m telling you. I love it, I’ve used it for many many years. Go to Guys I’m telling you, it’s the way to do it. It gives you a customer base, CRM, you can do items, you can build websites through it, you can host your website, it all integrates, it’s all done for you, you could even go as far as selling gift cards to your loyal clients. It tracks new customers, it builds appointments, there’s other apps, there’s other things that this thing does, and I’m not even scratching the surface for you. It’s geared for business owners with employees or without, it is all based on what you’re needing to do to run your business and for small fees every month, as your business grows, this will grow with you. And you don’t have to change platforms, you don’t have to change all that stuff, it grows with you for, obviously, low monthly fees a month, but man with all my businesses I got going on, this is what I use for every one of them. As each company develops and each company grows. This goes with me and I don’t have to change the CRM, I don’t have to change the process; as I grow, I can make the changes in this and grow with it. It’s the way to do it. Man I’m telling y’all right now, I wouldn’t choose any other ones. I’ve used other ones in the past and they’ve been problems. In our world, in the business world, you don’t need problems. Go to and it will change your life I promise you

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